ZEROG-AUTOBAHN'S AIRWAY, SKYWAY AND BLUE ZONE SYSTEMIn the future of aircars overcrowded downtown centers and omitted suburbia
will belong to the past. As traditional streets with all their unpleasant
side effects disappear, cities will turn to be a more natural and human
environment. Static roads will change to virtual dynamic airways and
ground space will return to serve people's classic needs and give
way for markets, meeting places and leisure areas. zeroG-Autobahn sets out to reassure safety in the air and to maximize
the use of the third dimension. This section explains the idea of Airways and Skyways, the system behind the visual language of the pilot's window screen display. It gives you information about the HUD (Heads-up Display) principle and the involvement of the computer and its several functions. |
mailto: Christian Frey @ www.freypark.com |