




The aim is to maximise the use of the "new" third spatial axis (y).
There are two main approaches to be considered:

A. A "chaotic", non-organized and individualized system.

The pilot chooses the path he/she wants to fly without the guidance of a virtual road system. In this approach the computer functions solely as a collision avoidance system.
  • Freedom of choice (with computer surveillance/safety systems only)
  • Computer intervention
  • Only a low level of traffic-flow visualisation is possible
  • Low speed
B. An ordered, grid-based sytem. All aeromobiles fly within a strictly delimited grid-based traffic system.
  • Freedom of choice within the system
  • Minimal computer intervention
  • A high level of traffic-flow visualisation is possible

As the "chaotic" approach does not derive from current social mobility conventions, an ordered grid system offers a more practical basis for future mobility.

The grid based system

zeroG-Autobahn divides space into three substantial areas: a global, regional and a local zone.
The introduction of new road grids provides new transport solutions adapted to the needs of each zone.

A regional road grid (the Airways) manages the busy traffic within highly populated areas. It arranges the diverse space between buildings in an efficient way.

The Skyway grid links cities and enitre regional areas. It allows high speed traveling for fast and convenient journeys.

Finally, the Blue Zones, organize local surroundings when drivers are approaching individual sights (examples).


All individual areas are linked by virtual bridges (exits and entries)

The Euro - Grid System : The Skyways

The Skyway grid is based on equilateral triangles. Any Skyway layer consists of linked triangles with three directions, e.g. north-to-south, northeast-to-southwest and northwest-to-southeast. >>> Detail

Skyways can be stacked on top of each other in Skyway-layers, and the traffic is split between them according to speed, traffic density and category (private traffic, public transport, service industries, tourism, rescue, etc.).

In order to avoid traffic jams, several airlayers are assigned to individual or private traffic. Traffic speed increases vertically.


Adapted to the current traffic situation, several Skyway or Airway layers can be stacked on top of each other.

To avoid collision spots at the intersections and to optimize traffic flow, all streets, Airways and Skyways are placed in 10 meters height difference, offering the maximum efficiency in terms of continuity and connectivity.The colored junctions connect all directions.The yellow junctions connect the top lane with the botttom lane in one layer. The orange and red connectors are placed between the directions.

To change direction, the pilot exits his lane vertically, flies the curve, and merges into the new direction from top or below, making his way ahead aided by the real-time computer guidance system displayed.
The system is very user friendly as vertical or horizontal movements are never required in one single flying action.

An Airway crossing between the buildings:
The system generally supports a secure road profile of 5 meters height and 3 meters width on the Airway (5 meters width on the Skyway). The lowest Airway starts at least at 10 meters height to provide landing space on the ground.

Junctions use the 10 meter space between the main directions:
5 meters for turning to one direction and 5 meters on top for turning to the other .

Skyway and Airway Junctions


zeroG-Autobahnlast updated 09/2006

mailto: Christian Frey @